Thursday 14 July 2011

Demo is just around the corner!

Things are coming together! I headed back to the studio last night to finish off the very last of the vocals for the demo (as it turned out, the vocals that we thought sounded great while recording at 4am, sounded completely shithouse when heard with fresh ears). Finished that track, mixed and mastered and now the finished version is in my email. Kickass!

Also last night we got the finished artwork for the cover and it's looking great. Check it out below! Nick Vine has done it again!

Keep it unreal.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

New design! Super stoked!

Huge thanks to Nick Vine (I wish he had his own design company I could plug right now) for putting together our new logo. It came out amazing and now we look totally profesh (apart from using words like "stoked" and "profesh").

All the other good stuff will be available soon, demos, shirts, mugs....


Monday 11 July 2011

Demo coming soon....

We recorded some songs for a demo a little while ago and pretty soon we're going to have that downloadable on here and the other internet sources around the place. Nick Vine is making some artwork for it and it looks unreal.

Until then just listen to "A World Behind" at the top of this page!

Stay tuned.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Another show down, a little different....

Our good friends from Adelaide Grenadiers were back in Melbourne on Friday night, a show we'd been looking forward to for a while. We were set to be playing with them along with Following Sea and Cavalcade.
NOW, on a somewhat different note, old mate Chris Rawsthorne went and had a little accident and messed up his shoulder (and his stunning face). We figured he was some sort of Superman/wolverine character and didn't really factor in healing time for him, it wasn't until Wednesday of last week that we told Jesse from Grenadiers that Chris wouldn't be able to play. On short notice like that, finding a band would be almost impossible SO I (Sean) offered to play the show solo. Something that I've been interested in doing for a little while but never really thought about the actual process of doing so.
Although it ended up being a terrifying experience bordering on unpleasant, it all went extremely well and the encouragement from everyone in the room made it all worth while!
Have a squiz at the video of A World Behind - solo.

Sean Callanan (The Union Pacific)- A World Behind from Chucking A Mosh on Vimeo.
Big thanks to good ol' Hugh Butcher for filming the show and Chucking A Mosh for uploading!