Tuesday 17 July 2012

Download NOMADS for FREE!

Howdy all! 
For a very limited time you can download our Nomads 7" ABSOLUTELY FREE! How fucking exciting is that?! Click the button below to head to our Bandcamp and get your mits on it. 
Tell your friends!
If you like it, come along to a show on the weekend and pick up a copy of little black circular version. Also if you're feeling generous or if you're totally ballin', you can choose to pay a small amount for it (this damn thing cost us a ton of money to make, after all).

Sunday 15 July 2012

We're playing with Blueline Medic

Wanna hear a story?
When I was in year 11 my school subjected us to a skiing camp. Camping in the snow in shitty tents for 5 days, learning to cross country ski by falling down hills and throwing hissy fits. We weren't allowed to bring discmans (the most popular portable music device at the time), my solution to having no music to listen to was to repeat Blueline Medic's "The Apology Wars" cover to cover in my head. I still remember every detail of that record and it's maybe my favorite Australian album of all time.

On Thursday night (the 19th) we're playing with Blueline for our first show at The Reverence hotel, the new venue from the masterminds behind our old favorite pub The Arthouse. I can't think of a more perfect introduction.

See y'all there.